Life Happens . . . Before I Was Born

Before I was born,
in a space beyond time as we know it,
I roam among trees.

Alpine meadows, in the mountain shadows,
calling my spirit,
lead the way to cascading waterfalls.

Before I was born,
in an expanse where eternity breathes,
I deeply inhale.

Winds, whispering through vast mountains valleys,
lifting me upward
show me peaks of inspiration, stillness.

Before I was born,
in realms of no impossibilities,
I begin dreaming.

Majestic mountains wrap towering strength,
a mantle of peace,
around my shoulders, our connectedness.

Before I was born,
in creation's sphere of nature's beauty,
I immerse myself.

Absorbing every sight, sound, smell, and touch,
I root and flourish,
by loving design, in the Gardener's hands.

Before I was born,
dancing through stardust, excited for life,
I become Vicki.

The grey blanketing veil and pillowing darkness, separating atmospheric layers, driven by wind gusts, drift towards the brittle prairie grasses, a gift from above the western mountaintops. Standing in the shadowed foothills of greatness, staring into the distance, sections begin falling apart, like streamers hanging their dripping entrails enticing the yellowed dearth to bow in submission, a phenomenon of the expansive ceiling. I can almost smell the dampening hay emit its earthy odor as roots absorb nourishment from manure-laden ground, now softening to mush.

Where do descriptive words originate to find their place upon my page? Who am I?

A choice meeting between a man and a woman cruising Caribbean waters piloted me into a dimensional voyage of communication, unexplored territory. Eventually mustering courage, under his appreciative and encouraging approvals, I took the helm. My inherent desire to see, feel, and hear inside spiritual realms and lifelong connection to nature create picturesque artistry that shocks and humbles me. I boast not, for I believe this is a gift given through experiences before my birth, and my imagination is rich. I follow my heart and seek to glorify God in all I do and say.

So, to answer the question of who am I, my heart and mind agree that I am a product of love, experiences, nature’s influences, and nurturing under the watchful eyes of the Master Gardener. His hands prune, dig, and dung my life. His provisions include stewards of His creations, my family, friends, and acquaintances who work alongside Him. I am sensitive, caring, fiercely loyal, and eager to live life through every stormy sea, blustering waves, and calm, peaceful mountains. I feel His closeness. I hope my writings testify of me, the self not many see or know, and share the abundance I willingly give.

I am Vicki, the contemplative voyager.

=>Do you ever wonder how you see life as you do, feel needs, and crave to know something, draw close to someone, or stand amazed at your inherent abilities, desires, and strengths?
=> Who are you?
=> Do you think it is possible that life can happen before you were born?

I would love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to reflect or share publicly or privately to yourself or me.

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