Life Happens. . . so does Anticipation

PROLOGUE She could not get those thoughts out of her mind, and she did not want to try. It is such a big decision and scary for a few reasons. FLASHBACK Spring 2017 ~ Less than two months pass after disembarking the Serenade of the Seas, and she is seriously considering another ship. Planning trips … More Life Happens. . . so does Anticipation

Life Happens . . . so does Falling

Unblemished, pure, sparkling, crystalized illusion?Pristine, in its untouched beauty, drizzling brilliance,exquisitely lain, ultimate softness, silencein opalescent flakes falling, heaven’s essence. The frigid air sucks her breath as teardrops escape her heart, intermingling the warm, wet moistures within the facial encircling atmospheric anomaly to form an icicle suspended in mid-air. Failure to resist the power pressuring … More Life Happens . . . so does Falling