Life Happens . . . so do Footprints and Freedom

June 16, 2021 ~ Barefoot strolling, on indiscernible grains of soft, warm and silky-wet, water-smoothed sand, symbolic and metaphorical in my heart, causes meditative pause as my breathing slows, focusing my vision to immerse myself where time exists not. Hearkening to the call of frothy, whipping cream-like topped rolling waves thundering applause, I eagerly step … More Life Happens . . . so do Footprints and Freedom

Life Happens  . . . so Make it An Adventure

**Just 2 notes before you begin reading/listening. FIRST: In referencing “blessings,” I would like to say that I believe what I consider blessings comes with a range of feelings between negative and positive, laws of opposition. Life is a full bucket of challenges, but I believe there is a depth and purpose to all happenings … More Life Happens  . . . so Make it An Adventure

Life Happens …so do Mountainous Treks

The original plan to hike almost 20 km from the trailhead leading to a recommended trail around the mountain lake becomes forgotten, lost to her adventurous streak, in unexpected, last-minute distractions looming on the left and right. Heads back and forth, considering options in bear and mountain sheep country. Backpack, water, lunch, and desire, increased … More Life Happens …so do Mountainous Treks